Finding the best plan for your home

There are two types of residential user plans, Standard User and Low User.
It is a good idea to check each year if you are on the right plan.

Standard User

Most households in New Zealand fall into the standard user category. You are a standard user if you use more than 8,000 kWh per year at your primary residence in the North Island or more than 9,000 kWh annually in the southern regions of the South Island...

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Low User

As the name suggests, a low user is any electricity customer who uses a relatively small amount of power. In the North Island, you are considered a low user if you use less than 8,000 kWh annually at your primary residence (666 kWh a month), while in the lower part...

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How do I switch my plan?

If you do think that you’re on the wrong plan, give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to have a look the figures and help you move to the plan that best suits your needs.

Contact us on 0800 269 769 or fill out our online enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

Consumption Information

If you have been with us for over 12 months, you are able to request consumption information. This information could be used to determine if you are on the right User plan or not.

Consumption Request